2-1-1 Idaho CareLine

Contact the Idaho CareLine by dialing 2-1-1 anywhere in Idaho, let them know what area you live in and what services you need. They have a database at their fingertips to help connect you to servic...
Read MoreContact the Idaho CareLine by dialing 2-1-1 anywhere in Idaho, let them know what area you live in and what services you need. They have a database at their fingertips to help connect you to servic...
Read MorePoster listing the 21 things everyone should have when exiting foster care.
Read MoreBefore you apply for Medicaid between the ages of 21 - 26, first get a foster-care verification from your caseworker, independent living coordinator, or the statewide coordinator.
Read MoreWelcome to Visit Idaho’s activity page. We know that right now, you’re probably missing Idaho’s incredible natural beauty. But until it’s time to go on that next adventure, explore the Gem State fr...
Read MoreChild Trends is the nation’s leading research organization focused exclusively on improving the lives of children and youth, especially those who are most vulnerable. We work to ensure that all kid...
Read MoreThe Department of Health and Welfare’s (DHW) primary role in the community is to provide services and oversight to promote healthy people, safe children, and stable families.
Read MoreFree Legal Answers is a virtual legal advice clinic. Qualifying users post their civil legal question to their state's website. Users will then be emailed when their question receives a response. A...
Read MoreSee some of the aquarium animals and what they're doing right now using our live cam! Animals include jellyfish, beluga whales, and so much more!
Read MoreDo you want to check your refund status, file a return, get a tax transcript, correct/amend a return, or report identity theft, fraud, and scams? The IRS official website can help you do just that ...
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