About Our Program

The Independent Living program assists teens and young adults, ages 14-23, and up to 26 years of age if enrolled in higher education, to become independent and self-sufficient as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. We ensure that our youth have the resources, knowledge, and opportunities they need to be successful in their next step in life.

Who We Are

The Family Resource and Training Center (FRTC) administers the Independent Living Program for Regions 1 and 2 for the Department of Health and Welfare. The Independent Living Program works with current or former foster youth, ages 14 through 21, to ensure that they have the knowledge and life skills they'll need to be successful on their own as an adult.

Once a year youth in the Independent Living Program complete the Casey Life Skills assessment to better gauge what knowledge and skills they're lacking that would help them to be successful as an independent adult. Using the assessment results, the Independent Living (IL) worker and the youth work together to write an Independent Living Plan with goals that they will work to accomplish within the next year. The IL workers meet individually with youth at least once a month to work towards completing the youth's goals.

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